about me

hey there, I’m alyson ~

Welcome to my blog – a place to share my life through my love of words.

During my freshman year of college, I started writing in a journal to make sense of the things in my life that felt scary or out of control. During this time, God taught me a lot about myself – and showed me how writing is an outlet He gave me to find peace and strength. Through my struggles, and my joys, I’ve found that sharing my insights and vulnerabilities can be tough – but it is also freeing.

I want to be the friend and the voice that I needed when I first started writing. I believe we need less curated perfection and more imperfect, messy, real people to say ‘hey, I’ve been there too!’

That’s who I want to be. Your friend, your ally, your cheerleader. Think of me as your friend that makes too many bad puns and gets *really* excited about pop culture.

I’d love for you to follow along with my blog. I would also love for you to share a post you’re excited about in the comments below so that I can meet more of you!

Thanks for stopping by!

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