100 New Friends!

I don’t spend a ton of time perusing the stats on my site. I look at them from time to time, but I didn’t realize until this week that I’ve hit a pretty big milestone in my eyes!

I officially have over 100 followers on this blog! And if you are one of those people I have one big thing to say: THANK YOU!!

I started this blog as a way to sort out my anxious thoughts, to update friends and family on my life, and to also be candid about the fun AND non-glamorous parts of life that don’t always get shared through our social media feeds. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads my messages, and then sometimes I get thoughtful notes or texts from friends who have resonated with what I said.

It’s a weird concept – to be vulnerable and geeky on the internet. In a way, it feels like second nature. It’s easy to sit and write about where I’ve been, collecting words and curating them helps me to convey my experiences in a way my verbal story-telling skills can’t (mainly because I may butcher the point or meander too long on useless details when I’m talking.)

However, it’s also strange to have a real life human say something about my writing. It’s happened several times before, and each time I squirm a little. Sure, this is on the internet, so hypothetically, anyone could read this. But this page is personal to me.

Vulnerability and transparency are learned skills, skills I’m much more comfortable with now than I was three years ago when I really started using this medium. And I don’t always expect people to be paying attention, but when they do, I’m always surprised and grateful.

So again, thank you. Thank you for following along, for commenting, for liking and reaching out. I am so appreciative of your support and excited for the next group to join into this community of honesty, growth, and joy.

If you’re new here, or haven’t been around long, I’d love for you to follow along by clicking on the ‘FOLLOW’ button at the bottom of the page. I also thought I’d curate some of my all-time favorite posts of mine, so that you can get a sense of this site. Some post are fun, and some were really hard to write. But each of them will give you an insight into the Alyson behind the keyboard, and hopefully let you know you are welcome here.

I appreciate you stopping by!

Alyson Parris (aka All Things Alyson)

A Few of My Favorite Posts:

4 thoughts on “100 New Friends!

  1. OVER 100!!!!! What an accomplishment!!! Your words are important, friend!!! So proud!❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Vulnerability and transparency are learned skills”…this statement was a stand out sentiment to me. It’s certainly a process that I am learning but then God can work with me to reach others when I am open about what is “really” going on; the good, bad, ugly, mistakes and failures; etc. Congratulations On The 100+ Followers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words and for reading my post!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You Welcome 🙂


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